05/2024 |
International conference held at Donosti, Spain.
Oral contribution. |
10/2023 |
Nanowire Week conference
International conference held at Atlanta, USA.
Oral and poster contributions. |
09/2023 |
International conference organized by the European Physics Society at Milan, Italy.
Oral contribution. |
07/2023 |
Young Multis 30
International conference organized (online) by The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences.
Oral contribution. |
05/2023 |
Quamtum Matter conference 2023
International conference held in Madrid, Spain.
Oral contribution. |
05/2022 |
International conference organized by CRC183 at Berlin, Germany.
Poster contribution. |
03/2022 |
March meeting 2022
International conference organized by the American Physics Society at Chicago, USA.
Oral and poster contributions. |
06/2021 |
CMD 29: Bound states in hybrid superconductor nanostructures
International mini-colloquium organized (online) by the European Physics Society at Manchester, UK.
Oral contribution. |
06/2021 |
TopoSuper2021 Emergent Topological Superconductivity
International conference organized (online) by the NANOCOHYBRI COST Action 16218 at Aalto, Finland.
Poster and poster contributions. |
03/2021 |
March meeting 2021
International conference organized (online) by the American Physics Society.
Oral and poster contributions. |
01/2021 |
XXIII Young Researches Meeting
Organized by Instituto Nicolás Cabrera (online) at Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain.
Oral contribution. |
09/2020 |
International conference organized (online) by the Condesed matter division of the Royal Spanish Physics Society together with the European Physics Society at Madrid, Spain.
Oral and oral contributions. |
12/2019 |
XXII Young Researches Meeting
Organized by Instituto Nicolás Cabrera at Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain.
Poster contribution. |
12/2019 |
Frontiers of Quantum Matter
International workshop organized by the Weizmann Institute at Rehovot, Israel.
Poster contribution. |
07/2019 |
Quantum Designer Physics II
International workshop organized by the Donostia International Phsyics Center at San Sebastián-Donosti, Spain.
Poster and poster contributions. |
05/2019 |
XIV Capri Spring School on Transport in Nanostructures
International school organized at Capri, Italy.
Poster contribution. |
12/2018 |
XXI Young Researches Meeting
Organized by Instituto Nicolás Cabrera at Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain.
Poster contribution. |
07/2018 |
Quantum Designer Physics I
International workshop organized by the Donostia International Phsyics Center at San Sebastián-Donosti, Spain.
Poster contribution. |
01/2018 |
X GEFES meeting
International conference organized by the Condensed matter division of the Royal Spanish Physics Society at Valencia, Spain.
Poster contribution. |
12/2017 |
XX Young Researches Meeting
Organized by Instituto Nicolás Cabrera at Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain.
Oral contribution. |
09/2017 |
XXIV International Summer school on Quantum transport in topological materials
International summer shool organized by Instituto Nicolás Cabrera at Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain.
Poster contribution. |